Easy to find, 5 MacDonald St is located on the Melbourne side of central Ballarat, just one block from the main thoroughfare into Ballarat. It’s just a 15 min walk to the station and 1 hour 10 mins by train, or by car an easy drive, to central Melbourne. Living at 5 Macdonald St offers many opportunities to discover what Western Victoria has to offer – beaches, mountains, and spa country … so much to explore.

Ballarat is a regional city with a population of around 100,000. Located in an area famous for its agricultural production and tourism industries 100 kms west of Melbourne. Ballarat has a rich history in gold that has provided Ballarat with many historic buildings from the 19th century, which provide a visually interesting city to live in. Its parks and gardens flourish in a temperate climate. Ballarat caters for a wide range of sporting interests and outdoor activities. Ballarat’s nightlife offers a range evening entertainment options.

Being so close to three supermarkets, pubs, coffee and restaurants, you won’t need a car.

Find out more about Ballarat  Click here
Ballarat tourism  Click here


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